Weather Could Bring Slick Conditions
What: All precipitation types will be possible: (Rain/Snow/Freezing Rain/Freezing Drizzle)
Snow is favored more for the northwest areas (though has trended downward).
Rain is favored more for southeast areas.
A Rain/Snow Icy mix is expected to fall somewhere in between.
When: Friday afternoon through Saturday early morning
Where: The chance for precipitation of any form range from 20% (for the furthest southern and western areas) up to 80% (for the furthest northeast areas)
Hazards: A trace to a few tenths of snow and a light glaze up to just over 0.1" of ice will be possible in parts of the area.
There is some uncertainty in the exact placement of the coldest air that keeps precipitation type confidence on the lower end. A few degrees change in the temperature can greatly impact precip type coverage area.