GI Police Report

News media report for: 11/15/24
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Assault
Victim: 23 year old male Incident #: L24111098
Offender: Mayra Almayra
Date and Time of Incident: 11/24/24 @ 13:00
Location of Incident: 407 E 16th St
Brief Narrative: Victim reported being assaulted with a pan by his brother, Mayra Almayra. Mayra Almayra verbally identified himself as Mayra Almayra and admitted to hitting the victim with the pan. Victim had a bloody injury to his face that required medical attention. Mayra Almayra was arrested for 2nd Degree Assault.
Offense: Forgery
Victim: 49 yr old female, 39 yr old male Incident #: L24111099
Offender: Joel Hernandez-Sanchez
Date and Time of Incident: 11/13/24 @ 18:23
Location of Incident: 405 N Pine St
Brief Narrative: On 11-14-2024 at approximately 12:45 hours, a belated forgery was dispatched to the area of 415 S Cherry St. where the victims reported Joel Hernandez-Sanchez as the suspect who stole a check written out to the victim in the amount of $802.39 and cashed it at Novedades Robin at 405 N Pine St. on 11-12-2024 at 18:23 hours. Joel was contacted and identified with a local records check. Joel admitted to cashing the check at Novedades Robin and sent the money to family members. Joel was placed under arrest for 1st Degree Forgery.
Offense: Vehicle Theft
Victim: 49 year old male Incident #: L24111063
Date and Time of Incident: 11/24/24 @ 06:40
Location of Incident: 1103 S Lincoln
Brief Narrative: On 11/14/2024 officers responded to 1103 Lincoln Ave in reference to a stolen vehicle call for service. Upon arrival it was reported to officers that between the hours of 1830 11/13/2024 and 0600 hrs 11/14/2024 someone had stolen a white Ford F250 that was parked next to the residence. Case is open.
Offense: Fraud
Victim: 64 year old female Incident #: L24111110
Date and Time of Incident: between 11/12/24 & 11/14/24
Location of Incident: 2319 W Division
Brief Narrative: On 11/13/2024 victim was scammed out of $3200.00 in gift cards she thought she was sending to Best Buy Geek Squad for computer repairs.
Offense: Attempted Burglary
Victim: 48 yr old female, 28 yr old female, 26 yr old male Incident #: L24111170
Date and Time of Incident: 11/15/24 @ 02:23
Location of Incident: 1415 W Charles St
Brief Narrative: Officers responded to 1415 W. Charles Street reference an attempted burglary. It
was determined that an unknown individual caused damage to the front door of the residence. This
report is currently open.