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Aspiring high school Christian leaders encouraged to apply to Open Call

Doodle Harris
Doodle Harris

(Hastings, Nebraska) – Hastings College is accepting applications for Open Call, a residential experience for current high school freshman, sophomores and juniors who are exploring a call to Christian ministry. The week-long program, to be held June 1-8, 2024, is free of charge for the first 12 students who apply before May 15.

The application and additional details can be found at

“Open Call is a unique opportunity for students who are considering a future in ordained or lay Christian ministry,” said Rev. Doodle Harris, Hastings College chaplain and director of ASPIRE (Academy of Student Preachers Inspiring Religious Engagement). “Students will spend a week having fun with their peers as they learn about using digital media, pop culture and storytelling to engage younger listeners. The experience culminates with students preparing brief sermons for a Digital Sermon Library.”

Students will participate in a variety of hands-on learning and discovery sessions with talented instructors in the fields of Christian ministry, communications and digital media. Sessions will focus on connecting Biblical text with current culture, using digital media to create multi-sensory presentations, and sharing messages of faith that appeal to youth and young adults.

Participating high school students will stay in Hastings College residence halls under the supervision of college resident assistants and counselors. To build friendships and camaraderie, they will participate in group sessions, recreational activities and field trips. 

Implemented over a five-year period, ASPIRE is an intergenerational program focused on cultivating preaching designed for diverse audiences, especially young adults, by communicating Biblical teachings in ways that are timely, relevant, and inclusive of contemporary culture and digital platforms.