Event - Cupcake Wars
DATE: Thu, Feb 13 - 10:00 am - Thu, Feb 13 - 12:30 pm
VENUE: Grand Generation Center
ADDRESS: 304 East Third Street Grand Island, NE 68801
The second annual Cupcake Wars, will be held Thursday, February 13th, from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm, at the Grand Generation Center (304 E. 3rd Street, Grand Island). There will be 10 teams competing for the Judge’s Choice trophy. The event is open to the public. Anyone can sample the ten flavors for a $10.00 donation. Induvial full-size cupcakes can also be purchased ($2 individually or $10 for a half-dozen). All proceeds will benefit the GRACE Cancer Foundation and the Grand Generation Center. The event is sponsored by Angels Care Home Health.